By `S h e r I o k a
||S y n o p s i s:
Ryosuke said that Kirari's a star
that shines brightly right in front of him right before Kirari passed away from
a car accident. It was suppose to be a happy day, he was suppose to take her on
a date, she was suppose to say 'yes', they were suppose to become a couple.
Every night, Ryosuke would cry himself to sleep. What was weird was, day after
day and weeks after weeks, his shoulder started to hurt, his hip started to
hurt. When he went to the doctor, nothing was wrong. But, Yuuri who could see
ghosts and dead souls due to the two moles on his left eye, he found out that
Kirari was sitting on Ryosuke’s shoulder, making him in pain. Kirari was
different, not just because she was dead, but she was evil, cruel and cunning.
She was unlike her old self. She would always wear a smirk on her cold white
||Chapter One: B r e a t h l e s s

||Chapter One: B r e a t h l e s s
||Note: -- Means flashback. I’m using that so I don’t have to say ‘flashback start’ every time.
||Note: -- Means flashback. I’m using that so I don’t have to say ‘flashback start’ every time.
Alone. Broken. What can I say? She’s
gone. Forever. Just thinking about that fact that, I’m never going to see her again;
made drops of steaming clear liquid drop down from my eyes. They wouldn’t stop
coming down; they wouldn’t listen to my command. The tears acted as if they are
doing the right thing, they think I want to cry. They are right, but wrong at
the same time. I did want to cry, throw a tantrum for god sake, but right here
and right now, I just don’t have the face to cry. The death of Hoshino Kirari,
was my entire fault.
A mix of rain and wind hit us in
the face as we hid under a building. I tightened my grip on the envelope that
was in my pocket. Kirai looked at me; her lips formed a thin line and held up
the small umbrella she was holding.
“Too bad we only brought one umbrella
na?” Kirai giggled lightly. She agreed to take the umbrella and help me slip
the envelop into the mail box just across the street. The mail was for my best
friend in the countries, we were the best of friends, and he decided that we
should keep in touch by sending mails the old way. Everyone’s sending emails
nowadays. What can I say? When everyone goes left, he goes right. He’s the contrary
to what is expected.
She gave me a small smile before
propping open the umbrella, getting ready to cross the road. But as she walked,
from the moment her umbrella flew into the sky, the raindrops splattered on my
glasses. Along with a top-notch sound of someone’s brakes, Kirari’s body flew
into the air lightly, slowly, drifted on the ground of the cold tar road…was my
Although it was spring, but it was
more like autumn.
She was only sending a letter for
me. Such an easy task, while it let me with such a hard impression.
The tears in my eyes were going mad;
they don’t intend to stop at all. The entire cars in the world stopped, the
crowd flocked toward the middle of the street. Nobody knew the person who lay
on the road, is my personal star. She was only five steps away from me, but why
do I feel so far? So apart? Bigger raindrops splattered onto my glasses,
splattered into my life.
Why? Why did we only bring one
umbrella? But I still see Kirai with her white dress, holding an umbrella,
walking to the other side of the road peacefully. She’s helping me send a mail,
to my best friend, I stood blankly under the building, I saw Kirari again,
walking in the middle of the street, and she peered over her shoulders, looking
at me. The rain wasn’t actually that big, but it was the biggest rain of our
life. And that letter was written like this, did my sweet star Kirai know?
Chinen: I’m going to confess to her
“Kirai…” I stretched my arm out as
she turned around, I touched her cheeks lightly, she had on a confused face,
but a wide smile started to appear on her beautiful face.
“Yes?” She asked, touching my hand
with her warm ones.
“You’re my bright and shining star.”
I grinned. She just laughed, “oh really? Are you sure? I think I’m more of a
slave. Always buying food for you.”
“Hey! At least I cooked them.” I
pouted lightly, my other arm stretched out and both of my hands squeezed her
chubby cheeks. She just laughed, poked my tummy and walked away. I smiled at
her back, today; I’m going to confess to her, I’m going to make her officially
mine. I’m going to take her to all the places she likes and let her take me to
her hometown. We’d be hand in hand, she’ll be pointing to different things that
she did when she was young and I’ll listen carefully. I want to know everything
about her, my star.
I shook my head furiously, waking
up from my thoughts. The conversation just happened this morning, but why do I
feel like it has been so long? It was only the beginning of the day; we still
had lots of things to do. I still need to confess to her, I still need to take
her to all the places she likes; she’s supposed to introduce me to her
hometown! I grabbed my hair and pulled on it.
The ambulance came, Kirai’s body
was hoisted into the car, people went back to their normal lives, like this
never happened. I called a cab and told it to follow the ambulance without
thinking about how much the ride would be. I didn’t care; I wanted to be with
There was no life in her. The words
struck me hard when I rushed to the hospital. She died right at the stop. Right
on the road.
“I’m sorry.” The doctor sighed and
walked away. The doctor called her family members to see her for the last time.
I couldn’t stand it; I walked away from the hospital. The rain sinking into my
It was Kirari’s voice, the word
echoed in my head over and over again. I could just imagine her sweet voice,
smiling while saying the word. I grinned lightly; it made me feel alive again.
“Ryosuke?” Someone called my name,
as I turned around to look at the person who called me, having just a little
tiny hope that it was Kirari. But I was wrong.
“Ah, Sakurada-san. What a
coincidence.” I grinned sheepishly. Sakurada Mikan, the waitress for the café I
work part time at. She was usually bubbly and cute, always forgetting things
but can still put on a great show in front of the costumers, like nothing bad
or clumsy ever happened.
“Hi.” She said, blushing a bit. But
then her expression changed to shock and quickly pulled out an umbrella and
handed it to me.
“You’re going to catch a cold.” She
said lightly. I nodded and thanked her before taking the umbrella. It smelled
like flowers. It reminded me that Kirari always had a soft vanilla scent with
her. I threw the umbrella onto the wet concrete floor before walking away in a
fast pace. Leaving a confused Mikan staring at my back.
Getting home, I didn’t even change
as I stepped into the shower. The warm water sunk into my clothes, sunk into my
cold skin, the reality sunk into my heart. Lifelessly, I pulled the damp
clothes off me and took a quick shower. A few minutes later, I stepped out of
the room of mists.
I wished I could live in the mists
forever, letting it blind my way through. Making time stop, or even better,
making time go backwards.
Out of the washroom, the city
lights started to come out. The view of the busy city Tokyo was seen clearly
from my apartment, from my glass window. Wearing a robe, I stepped up in front
of the window. Peering down, the whole world was beneath me. I felt so
powerful, yet so apart from this world. I was high, but Kirari was higher, I
just can’t seem to reach her.
“What are you doing? Kirari?” I
muttered, breathing onto the window.
Just then the originally dark room
flickered on a warm welcoming golden light. Turning around to see a wet Yuri
standing by the door.
“You left the key outside.” Yuri
made out a small chuckle. He shook his hair as drops of rain squatted away.
“What brings you here?” I ask.
“I heard.” He replied simply. Only
two words, but I already know what he meant. He knew that Kirari was gone. My
star was gone.
“You haven’t even met her.” I
mumbled grumpily. He just shrugged it off, “I already know a lot about her.
Since you keep talking about her nonstop.”
“Is that all you’re here for?” I
“Hey, I have to ensure you won’t do
something stupid.” Yuri gave me a meaningful nod before heading into the misty
bathroom, “Can I?” He asked. Giving him a nod, he stepped inside my misty
The phone rang, echoing in the
small apartment, rebounding from the large glass window into my ears. Who could
be calling this late?
“Moshi moshi?” I said quietly.
“You bastard.” A girl’s voice
boomed from the other line. There was a bit of annoyance, anger and a rush of
“Aoi.” I said lightly. Chikafugi
Aoi, Kirari’s best friend. The girl that supported Kirari more than her own
parents did. Aoi, she did everything for Kirari. Yet, I broke Aoi’s trust. I
let down her high hopes for Kirari.
“Look, I let you take care of her.
You promised you would protect her more than I did,” A long pause was heard
from the other line; “I’m not blaming you, but…I’m too tired and too annoyed to
talk. Meet me tomorrow at noon. Twelve thirty, where you work.” Aoi hung up the
I stood there, I was being selfish.
I didn’t care about other people’s feelings; I thought I was the most broken
one. I haven’t even thought about Aoi’s feelings, she’s been supporting Kirari
when her parents had no time. She’s been giving Kirari the happiness each
teenage girl should have. What have I done? Just taking her from Aoi’s hand and
wrecking all the hard work she has done for Kirari? I felt ashamed.
“Who was that?” Yuri asked, ruffling
his hair with a white towel.
“Put on some clothes.” I groaned.
Yuri was only wearing a towel covering his lower half, while a towel hanging on
his shoulder.
“Eh? Aren’t you also only wearing a
robe?” He grinned jokingly, coming towards me, sending pokes to my stomach. I
smacked his finger away, but laughed along.
“Smile more; it’s better for your
health.” He ruffled my hair.
It struck me again, the feeling of
being selfish, the feeling of being greedy. Yuri was watching over me, he didn’t
want me to do bad things. He was worried over me while I was only carrying
about myself. What can I do to repay Aoi and Yuri’s hard works and efforts?
I decided to move on.
“Oyasumi.” I said lightly, pulling
the thick layers of blanket on top of me, covering my whole body and face. I
felt a bit warmer. With so many things happening in just one day, I didn’t have
time to care about whether I was cold or not.
“Night.” Yuri said loudly, flicking
off the lights, letting the dark city lights shine in through the large window.
My room was tidy, clean and clear. You can see the traffic downstairs, the
large office buildings and millions of stars if the weather’s nice. There’s a
huge glass window covering one side of the living room. The living room is the
room where I sleep, where I make my meals, but there’s also a small separate room
as the bathroom off the right side of the apartment. I live alone. And the
space is enough for me.
“Ne, today’s stars are quite bright
don’t you think?” Yuri said lightly from the other side of the room. He was
sleeping on a futon while I was on the bed.
“Are you asleep?” He asked again.
“…” I didn’t dare make a sound, I
didn’t have the mood. Kirari is breathless; my star is breathless, forever.
A/N: So here's chapter one. It took up 5 pages for Microsoft word. Not one of my best or longest chapters. xD But it's okay. Anyways, will be working on chapter two. But I've become so lazy because of school work and all.
Reply to comments:
@Miss Tay Hasnan: Sure you can request for a graphic, I already made a column for graphic requests. ^^ Haha, Aoi's really cute ne? :) I hope I answered some of your questions about who Mikan and Aoi are.
@KumoNoAaKoi: Chapter one is out! :D Thanks so much for commenting. Hehe.

Ah, I checked the page but haven't got the time to request, I'll do that after my exam ends, ne? I hope you don't mind. m(_ _)m (commenting and requesting through phone ish hard. :c )
ReplyDeleteYaaaaay! First chapter!!! I'd feel like Aoi if this would ever happend to me. But Aoi-chan, you shouldn't blame Ryo-chan~ it was an accident. :c
I'm loving Yuri already~ (and he's not in my top list in HSJ XD XD gomeneeeee)
Now that you mentioned Kirari being evil in the prologue, the image is already stuck with me. So everytime you mentioned Kirari I'm like *hisssssssss* she's evilllllllllll
Lmfao /bricked
Oh, and I see typos in Kirari's name XD you kept making Kirai. :3 (or maybe it's just Microsoft word being a meanie? :o )
I enjoyed reading!